Unlock the secrets of the Salt Mummy and become a MuseumStar!
Solve interactive learning tasks around our exhibition "Death in Salt. An archaeological investigation in Persia". Collect stars, advance in levels and become a MuseumStar!
"MuseumStars" is an interactive learning app that museums in Germany, Austria and Switzerland have already developed together with the Viennese company Fluxguide in the first lockdown in early 2020. Exciting content maps and interactive tasks make collections playable in so-called challenges and can be experienced from home. The German Mining Museum Bochum is also represented from the beginning with a challenge on the theme of "Legendary Mining".
In January 2021, we will now supplement the offer with a challenge on our exhibition "Death in the Salt. An archaeological investigation in Persia". Follow the (fictional) archaeologist Dr Archibald Loge as he works in a salt mine in Iran. Read his diary and find out how the archaeologists unravel the mysteries surrounding a salt mummy found in the mine. Can you solve all the riddles?
Download now for free and collect all the stars!
A joint initiative of museums from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, http://www.museumstars.com Powered by Fluxguide
Available in German.